Friday, March 6, 2009


Geo-thermal heat pump

Today world faces many environmental problems such as global worming. All industrial countries are encouraging development of new renewable energy technologies. Geothermal energy is gaining importance as alternate source of energy. Geothermal energy is heat from higher pressure steam coming from within the earth. It is renewable source of energy derived from rain water in the earth heated to over 180oC by subterranean hot rocks. Geoexchange heat pump is one of the applications of geothermal energy. It uses the earth’s renewable energy just below the surface to heat or to cool home or building etc. It is ground surface heat pump. A few feet beneath the surface the earth temperature remains constant, geoexchange take advantage of this to provide extremely efficient heating and cooling. Geoexchange pump can be used for heating in winter and cooling in summer. The only external energy needed for geoexchange is small amount of electricity to operate ground loop pump and fan. Geoexchange heat pump is safe, low in cost except installing cost. This paper presents an overview of the geoexchange heat pump working, advantages with illustration.

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